Child Pornography Offences

If ever there was a category of offences where people wished they could turn back the clock and do things differently; it is child pornography offences.  I understand.  Fact is most people charged with these offences have led otherwise good lives.  How can they get past this?

The first thing is to ensure that the matter is dealt with as discreetly as possible.  I make all possible court appearances on behalf of my clients and I do not speak about the case with the media, ever.

As with all cases, my first priority is to seek to get the case dropped or the charges dismissed at trial.  Who controlled the computer?  Who had access to it?  Has the computer been hacked or hijacked?  Was any police search legitimate?  All available strategies will be employed to achieve success on your behalf.

Where this is not possible, I will negotiate and fight for reduced charges and the minimum sentence available under the law.  A plan will be executed to ensure that the court sees you in the most positive light and deserving of the opportunity to fulfill your future, and all while maintaining discretion to protect your privacy.

It’s time to get things right.  Let’s get started now.